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lead generation

How Record Companies Use Lead Generation & Music Marketing

The music industry is one of the most monetised, concentrated and competitive industries in the global market. With new stars bringing their music to the market everyday the music market is fuller than ever before. Musicians are advised to be unique and stand out from the crowd. If a musician is signed, it is then the responsibility of the record company to ensure people buy the music. Here is how record companies stay ahead with lead generation and music marketing.

What Is Lead Generation?

A lead is simply when an individual or brand shows an interest in your product and decided to give you private information, such as an email address in order for you to contact them with more information or a sale.

Lead generation is a marketing tactic and ideas on how we get individuals to give over some private data which will encourage the sale of a product or service.

Email Marketing

Emails are still a really important marketing tool for feed consumers information. In order for consumers to give over their email you have to offer things in return.

  • Newsletter – this a great way of creating engaging content for new and existing fans.
  • Tour Updates – tours are selling out quicker than ever before so giving fans a chance to know exactly when and where tickets are released is great for creating a relationship with them.
  • Fan Base Communities – this allows fan to purchase albums or tour tickets before anyone else, creates a brand-consumer loyalty which is needed in today’s saturated market where very little loyalty exists.

TV & Radio

No matter what morning or evening talk show, news programme or reality tv show you watch you will always see a band or musician getting interviewed or performing their latest single. As well as this record companies place musicians on radio shows on a daily basis to promote their music.

This is done to increase visibility – reach a larger audience than they would normally. If more people hear about a band and enjoy their music there is a bigger chance of them buying their music and tickets to see them on tour.

Lead Generation

One of the most important aspects of Lead Generation is employees feeling much less stressed than they previously did. People often complain about feeling as though they have their bosses breathing down their necks when they are trying to conduct their normal work operations as they can be desperate for leads. As a result, people can be susceptible to feeling much more happy about their job if they do not need to worry about chasing leads.

stdm adam

How Is The Music Industry Using STDM ADaM Data?

You might be thinking…..


What on earth is STDM ADaM?! Well Lets first break it down before we get into telling you why major record companies are finding these datasets extremely valuable. STDM stands for Study Data Tabulation Model. This system creates and maps data which has been collected from raw sources. ADaM on the other hand stands for Analysis Data Model which helps generate figures, listings and tables from data. This ensures that data is readily available to be analysed by whoever needs it. The main benefit of this system is its levels of traceability and therefore truthfulness. The two models go hand in hand together nicely as a way to store and understand collected data. Here is how big record companies in the music industry are using it to improve and grow their business.

Importance Of Market Research

Market research is the key to understanding what your target consumer wants to purchase and what they will want to consume in the future. By carrying out market research you can gather data that will be invaluable to your company for a very long time. For example you can do some field research on a newly released album to find out what consumers liked and didn’t like about the sound. You can ask consumers various questions from fashion & styling, to relevancy of the sound and lyrics and even how likeable the musician is. Record companies will go at lengths to ensure they make a profit, and a large one at that, on an album so it has been known that a musician will receive coaching on their ‘likeability’.

Collecting market research and storing it for future reference is a great way to forecast what consumers will be listening to in the future. Take Grime music as an example – industry giants were able to forecast the popularity and growth of this genre by signing new names and using marketing to promote them. Grime emerged from London in the early 2000s drawing influence from hip hop, rap and dance. Artists from this genre of music faced a lot of discrimination in many venues across the UK as unfortunately this genre was linked with violence and crime. Since then MPs have worked hard to abolish this discriminations and thankfully with the rise of artists such as Skepta and Stormzy discrimination has lowered and record sales have risen dramatically.

Future Marketing Strategies

Market research is all about collecting relevant data and STDM ADaM is about translating that data so it can be easily analysed. Now producers, marketers, record company executives and even the musicians themselves can come up with a marketing strategy which will increase the popularity and awareness of the artist which will then lead to better sales of the record and a potential future opportunities for the musician.

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